Saturday, 14 May 2011

Update on the Site Inspection

Update on the site inspection

I thought you would like to know that the site inspection was carried out on Wednesday, 11 May and that the result was passed to the Council’s Park Service.

The inspection found 11 plots, or 5% of the total number of plots, failed to meet the benchmark of 75% cultivation set by the Council. In some cases, no evidence had been found that plots had even been worked since the start of the year. The Council has sent out non-cultivation letters to 10 of the 11 plot holders whose plots were identified in the inspection (the Council has decided to be lenient to the remaining tenant because the plot had only been let a few weeks earlier.)

The next step is that all 11 plots will be re-inspected in mid-June. If the plots are still not up to the required level of cultivation, then final notices to quit will be issued and the plots will then become available to be offered to the waiting list.

May I take the opportunity on behalf of the inspection team to say how impressed we were with the majority of the plots. There were just a few minor blemishes to come to light. First, there are still a handful of plots with no plot number to identify the plots. Could these plot holders rectify this minor deficiency? Number plates can be ordered from the trading hut for as little as £1 each.

Secondly, may I ask plot holders in co-operation with your neighbours to maintain the minor paths between plots. These paths will help you to get about your business more easily and they also set off plots.

Finally, if any plot holder is interested in renting an additional mini plot, please let me know. I think we might be able to help.

Thanks for your continuing co-operation.

Site Rep

14 May 2011

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Children on Site

Important Notice

As more and more people are getting out to work on their allotments, please remember to show consideration to your neighbour who might wish to enjoy his gardening in peace.

Those of you who have children and wish to take them on site to encourage them to take an interest in growing food, Please remember that:

1. You are responsible for their safety at all times and that they remain under your personal supervision at all times while they are on the allotment.

2. Children must not be allowed to roam unsupervised over the allotment. The allotment is not a playground. There are many potential hazards on an allotment site. This makes it vitally important that you take responsibility for the safety of your children. Better to be safe than sorry.

Site Rep

May 2011