Bonfire Ban: The Council has placed a ban on bonfires on ALL their Allotment Sites from 1stApril until 30th September. Your attention to this would be appreciated. Rubbish that cannot be accommodated on your compost pile should be kept on your plot until it can be properly disposed of.
Volunteers Wanted.
Take the opportunity of getting to know more of your fellow members by becoming a volunteer to work behind the counter at the Trading Hut on the occasional Saturday or Sunday mornings. The list of volunteers for next season is in the process of being drawn up now. If you can assist, even for only one or two dates in the year, it will be a great assistance. Please contact Nigel Youngman now, he will be pleased to hear from you.
Opening times are:
Saturdays – 11am to 1pm
Sundays – 9.45am to Noon
Remember one visit to the Hut could save you the equivalent of your Annual Subscription. As the referee in Rugby says ‘Use it or Lose it!’
(Notwithstanding the Council’s bonfire Ban!)
Will be held on the Green outside the Trading Hut on
Saturday 23rd June, 2012
1pm to 3pm
Bring your family and friends
For the assistance of the caterers it would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know if it is your intention to attend. An email to our Secretary, Derek Mauri, or our Publicity Officer, Ali Campbell, would be appreciated.
Everybody can grow ‘spuds’! And this this year we are arranging a ‘Potato Competition’ to prove it.
Each entrant will be given a single tuber and a pot. The competition will go to the person who nurtures the tuber to harvest and produces the most potatoes either by weight or number of spuds [details are yet to be finalised].
Full details of the Competition will be available soon. You will be advised by email and there will be a Notice and entry forms available in the Trading Hut.
Good Friday, the traditional day for planting potatoes, will soon be with us so don’t miss out on this opportunity of having some fun!
And finally, More volunteers needed
Two ‘Maintenance Weekends’ are going to organised by our Site Rep, Carl Brown, this season; the purpose to keep up with those little repairs and that general tidying the Site needs from time to time. The dates of the weekends are yet to be announced. If you can spare a couple of hours, or more, of your time it will be appreciated.
Remember! If you have a garden you need
The Stanley Road Allotment & Garden Society
The council has requested the Society to carry out the Annual Site Inspection on their behalf, which will take place late April to early May 2012.